In the second installment of this series, Manisha Snoyer reconvenes with tech and education leaders to delve deeper into the future of homeschooling. Recorded on Naval Ravikant's AirChat, the episode goes beyond the basics to explore the multifaceted nature of education and its evolving trajectory. Throughout the episode, the panelists discuss topics ranging from self-confidence and the role of education in childhood development to the polarizing perspectives on homeschooling. Manisha and her guests also examine the influence of inner child healing, societal expectations, and the significance of self-led learning. The conversation culminates in an intriguing discussion on the future trends of K -12 education, including the potential for modular and decentralized educational systems. Tune in to gain a comprehensive understanding of the educational paradigms that are challenging the status quo, and if you haven't already tuned into the first episode, you can find it here. Manisha Snoyer has assembled an extraordinary panel of homeschool parents, teachers, and entrepreneurs. The lineup includes Naval Ravikant, visionary entrepreneur, angel investor, and philosopher; Nir Eyal, an internationally renowned expert in behavioral design and author of the seminal books "Hooked and" "Indistractable"; Rachel Thomas, Ph.D., named one of the top 20 women in AI in the world and co-founder of; Alycia Wright, former public school teacher and leader of the rapidly expanding Cultural Roots Homeschool Co-op in Richmond, Virginia serving Black, Brown, and Indigenous families; Shiren Rattigan, the pioneering founder of Colossal Academy, microschool network, and advocate for equitable school choice; Kerry McDonald, FEE scholar and host of the LiberatedED podcast; and Lisa Betts-LaCroix, founder of the Bay Area Gifted Homeschoolers Group, the first and largest group for parents of gifted homeschoolers in the Bay area.
Teach Your Kids: Website | LinkedIn | X | Instagram | Substack | Facebook
Manisha: LinkedIn | X | Instagram | Facebook
Lisa Betts-LaCroix: Website | LinkedIn | Super Power U Podcast | Facebook
Nir Eyal: Website | LinkedIn | X | Facebook | Nir and Far Podcast
Kerry McDonald: LiberatED Podcast | Website | X | Instagram | Facebook
Shiren Rattigan: Colossal Academy | LinkedIN | Instagram | X
Naval Ravikant: Airchat | LinkedIn | X | Podcast | YouTube
Rachel Thomas: | LinkedIn | X | Facebook
Alycia Wright: Cultural Roots Homeschool Co-op| LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook
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Time Codes
00:01:58 — What is Confidence?: Discussion of the role of confidence, its origins in childhood experiences, and how it can be nurtured or undermined throughout a lifetime.
00:09:57 — Tyranny of Metrics: Naval Ravikant explores the downsides of over-relying on quantitative measures in education, questioning how metrics may not capture the full picture of a child's abilities.
00:12:43 — Cultivating Confidence in Ourselves and Our Children: Naval shares how meditation serves as a powerful tool for self-reflection and problem-solving, enabling us to spend quality time with our own thoughts, clarify our desires, and transform them into deeply-held convictions.
00:14:26 — Neuroplasticity, Cognitive Development, and Early Learning: Manisha delves into the science behind brain flexibility and how early cognitive development can be optimized for more effective learning experiences.
00:19:30 — Trusting the Gut and Cultivating Confidence in Kids: Naval Ravikant stresses the value of intuition over academic theories when it comes to children's education and development, offering advice based on his personal experiences.
00:22:43 — Resistance to Homeschooling: Manisha and Naval address the societal skepticism around homeschooling, discussing some of the criticisms and misconceptions that often plague this alternative education route.
00:24:07 — Public Education, School Choice, and Accountability: Tackling the complexities surrounding public education systems, choices available to parents, and how accountability is maintained or lost in various educational settings.
00:29:45 — Future of Education: Manisha wraps up by highlighting emerging trends in the education sphere, such as modular learning and the move towards a more decentralized, customizable approach to K-12 education.
This podcast is made possible through a generous grant from the Vela Education Fund
VELA Education Fund is catalyzing a vibrant alternative education ecosystem. VELA provides trust-based funding to entrepreneurs, fosters community-building and knowledge-sharing, and increases visibility through storytelling that promotes cultural awareness and acceptance of the out-of-system space. Today, VELA serves the largest community of out-of-system education entrepreneurs in the country, with over 2,000 community members. About half of VELA’s community members operate small learning environments, and the other half are ecosystem and community builders offering direct services and support across the out-of-system space. Learn more at